Meet Our Board Members L-R: Mark LaChapelle, Katie Mark, Mitch Leppicello, James Stolz, Monica Sowden, Shelley Berven, Roxanne Sanderson, Lauren Royce


Meet our Board Members, Committee Members, Representatives, and Administrative Staff in the section above. If you see a position listed as OPEN, please help us fill it.

The Minnesota Society for Clinical Social Work is a group of professionals who together advance the practice of clinical social work through professional development, endorsing ethical practice standards and through legislative and community advocacy on behalf of our clients.

Our goals are to
  • Provide networking opportunities for members.
  • Represent your professional interests to various parties.
  • Provide legislative updates.
  • Distribute a society newsletter.
  • Host professional education workshops.
  • Disseminate research and educate professional social workers in best practices.
  • Uphold and promote ethical and responsible standards in social work.
  • Advocate optimum mental health services and ethical practice for all stakeholders (constituents, citizens) through legislative endeavors.
  • Collaborate with educational and public organizations to promote clinical social work practice.
We are committed to
  • The dignity, well-being and self-determination of the individual.
  • Professional practice characterized by competence and integrity.
  • A society, which offers opportunities to all members in a just and non-discriminatory manner.

MSCSW Statement on Racism 

The murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis Police Officers and subsequent protest activity has rocked our nation. It has focused our attention on the persisting atrocity of racism in our institutions and culture. Again, we’re reminded of the loss of invaluable lives, Black and Brown lives- such as Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and Philandro Castile.
As the community grieves innocent lives lost, we are invited and compelled to reflect on ourselves and our institutions.
The Minnesota Society for Clinical Social work vows to look not only inward but to participate in the dialogue addressing the persistence of racism in our society.
Since inception, this organization has aimed to promote the dignity, well-being, and self-determination of the individual, a professional practice characterized by competence and integrity, and a society offering opportunities to all members in a just manner and without discrimination.
Therefore, we wish to do our part to bring about change. We commit to meet the challenge of this time through self-reflection, careful listening, and advocacy.”